As one of the founding species of the Vaks-Tarrgg alliance, the Vaks are recognized as an intellectual titan among interstellar species. Known for their strategic wisdom and inherent drive for expansion, they have deftly carved out a reputation as astute invaders of other worlds. This strategy emerged out of the necessity to display their strength against other galactic alliances and to protect their culture. Their formidable intellect is such that they find genuine competition only among the Neth species. This alliance, integral to their identity, stands as the second largest among the three main galactic coalitions.
The bond between the Vaks and the Tarrgg is both ancient and profound, a result of shared DNA and a common homeworld. During the early stages of their evolution, the physically superior Tarrgg acted as protectors, while the Vaks, with their advanced intellect, became the architects of their civilization, spearheading advancements in medicine, trade, education and agriculture. This symbiosis has strengthened over thousands of years, making the unity between these two species unshakeable.
Physical Description
Physically, the Vaks are smaller than the average human, with skin tones that vary within a spectrum of violet hues, predominantly on the lighter side. Their heads are uniquely elliptical, inclining upward towards the rear, a feature that makes them easily recognizable. Adding to their distinctive look are four sets of eyelids and nodules known as Cor-nen, positioned above each temple and extending up to seven centimetres in diameter. Their distinguishing physical traits are comparatively less prominent than those of humans, an outcome of their species' millennia-long emphasis on intellectual growth and scholarly pursuits.
Genetic variations are geographically isolated, and their genetic differences relate solely to skin pigmentation. There are no formally categorised subspecies in the game setting. The Rilansu (eastern in English) have violet hues while the Thuvana (western in English) display emerald hues.
Average Life Span
Life span average: 300 years
Reaches Maturity
Vaks experience a unique maturation process, notably more protracted than their Tarrgg counterparts on their shared homeworld. Their intellectual abilities manifest at an early age, setting the foundation for their renowned cognitive prowess. However, their physical development follows a more gradual trajectory, generally reaching its zenith between the ages of 15 to 20 years. This dichotomy between their mental and physical maturation stages is a distinctive characteristic of the Vaks species.
Expansive Mind
Vaks possess exceptional cognitive capacity. This grants them a +1d increase to the Acumen Trait, and raises the starting cap to d10.
The Vaks are known for their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. This translates to a +1d boost to either the Chemistry, Computer, Engineering or Neoscience Skill (choose one at character creation). This also raises the starting cap to d10 for the chosen skill.
Limited Physicality
Due to their evolutionary path favouring intellectual advancement over physical strength, the Vaks have a maximum Physique Trait limited to d8. This restriction doesn't affect the normal starting cap.
Cor-nen Nodes
Unique sensory nodes located above each temple allow the Vaks to perceive objects and obstructions within a 10-metre radius, effectively enabling them to navigate in total darkness. They can map out room layouts and sense open pathways, such as hallways or doorways, though solid barriers like walls inhibit this sensory perception. The subsonic frequency emitted by the Cor-nen Nodes might be detectable to certain creatures.
Species Quirks
Only when conscious.
Sensitive Nodes
AP: 8
With training a Vaks can enhance their Cor-nen sensitivity to perceive movements within a 10 metre radius.
Radar Nodes
AP: 12
No action required (considered a Free Action). Can not be surprised by any movement within 10 metres, even the act of raising a weapon will be sensed. However, being attacked outside of 10 metres by something fast would prevent this from being used effectively. Stacks with Sensitive Nodes.